Worry |
Fix Injuries, Get Your Life Back, Be Happy, Be Fit
I am a research scientist in extreme environments - the fastest, strongest, highest, deepest, hottest, coldest, bravest of human endeavors. I am the scientist who researches why people get specific injuries, and what to do about them. I find why common treatments don't work and what does. I developed methods that you use during your real daily life, your normal activities, and the sports and activities you love, to retrain movement habits (function) so that all you do is pain-free, healthy, and fun again - from standing and walking, sitting, cleaning the house, taking the stairs, and bending for things, to your sports, work, art, and exercise.
Making Someone Give Up Activities They Love Isn't "Health Care." It isn't healthy or effective to spend time for repeated treatments but have pain return and be told to live with it. Neither is limiting daily life movement, or being made to reduce your own balance and mobility by being put on a cane, orthotic or brace as a "fix" - an approach called "Limit the patient to limit the pain." Instead, we stop stop causes of pain and limited movement using activities you enjoy, to retrain movement habits and get stronger. This is different from stopping your life to change clothes to do exercises, then go back to injurious movement habits the rest of the day. With my work, you get healthy biomechanics built-in to all you do. This is fitness as a (real) lifestyle.
Site Map to more of my large free web site here at is at the bottom of this page, and every page, along with buttons to LIKE, TWEET, and SHARE.
All The Ways To Get Better
1. Start Right Now - Free Articles
Identify causes, fix and prevent your pain. Free tutorials include fixing neck pain, back pain, discs, sciatica, knee pain, foot pain, The Ab Revolution to stop swayback and pain from standing and running, healthier training, mental fitness, and more. Click to skip to Free Articles or scroll down.
2. Get The Books
Easy-to-read, portable, all in one fix-it.
3. Work With Me On-Line
Ask your questions to fix pain and learn better training and fun skills. Use Individual Care."Thank you Dr Jolie your help and guidance has been a life saver."
~ James Michie, Melbourne AustraliaSee Mr. Mitchie's story on the Healthier Yoga page
4. Appointments
Fast-track your recovery. Executive appointments include consult, assessment, education and practice of methods to improve during your appointment. To request appointments, in a fun note let me know how you are using and getting better from my work, and what else you'd like to achieve so that I know the next thing you need. Contact with this info. Previously though house calls in center city Philadelphia, some appointments are moving online. Appointments can also include ongoing private class style instruction. Here is a page with appointment details and more answers.
5. Classes
Enjoy fun fast-moving classes to fix pain, learn fun and healthy skills, improve function, and prevent injury during all you do. Participants at all levels are welcome - physicians and military, trainers, athletes, and lay public. Several classes are becoming available on-line with me. Check my class page to see offerings, and contact to set up your fun class.
6. Bring Me to Your Location for Private or Group Classes
Creative ideas welcome for locations and topics. See project 6 on the Projects page.
Cindy Monroy wrote after her experience organizing her group:
"Thank you so much for the opportunity to have a class. This class is a life-changing experience and we are all interested in attending another class in the future. You have so much to offer the world."
7. Academy Certification
Top methods. Learn directly with me in group workshops or private training.
8. Archive of Fitness Fixer Articles
Almost 800 short articles from my free on-line health compendium The Fitness Fixer These are in addition to the free fix pain Articles further down on this page.
Search The Fitness Fixer Index.
9. Success Stories By Patients
Not testimonials, but tutorials so you can do it too. Patients fixed their back pain, foot pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, fallen arches, and neck pain, and went on to happy, healthier lives using these methods. Click Inspiring Patient Stories.
10. Have Fun With A Cool Project
Benefit yourself or your whole community with fun projects. Includes how to send in your videos, photos, and ideas - Projects Page. If you have typo fixes or coding corrections for my web site, send to with my thanks!
11. Get A Great Thai Massage
Get this specialty massage in your center city home or office. Wear your own comfortable clothing on a soft mat on the floor, no table needed. Wonderful stretches and presses that are relaxing and invigorating at the same time. Read about the myths, the data on benefit, and how to schedule this treat of Thai Massage for yourself or a friend.
12. Open Our Center
I was the first to put healthy fitness programs on cruise ships. Previously, no one thought of resorts and cruising for activity. Some rare photos of that here. I developed techniques to change unhealthy standard hospital and rehab techniques, and pioneered functional (useful) exercise and fitness - a page about that here. My dream is to head up a center of true health. Fresh air and sun and my top classes and methods. Maybe conferences and master classes at your campus or center? Get in touch to make this happen - See Project 5.
What We Do - Summary of My Work
Not All Exercise Is Medicine, Not All Medicine Is Healthy
We Change That - The Real Health Care Reform
Making Medicine Healthy. Much back, knee, neck, disc, and other pain are not diseases, but injuries that you can fix. I use tested therapeutic rehab modalities to identify and stop sources of pain, and improve your mobility, health, (and looks) right away. I pioneered retraining daily life movement habits and biomechanics to be built-in health for all you do. This is not "alternative medicine." It is evidence-based sports medicine techniques applied to real life - where you actually need it. The idea is to get you off constant treatments, and back to your life, better than before.
You don't have to do sports or be an athlete to get better with sports medicine. Retraining movement habits (better biomechanics) in daily life is built-in fitness and injury prevention as a lifestyle (functional fitness medicine). I do not consider it health care to go for repeated treatments or sets and reps of rehab exercises, then have pain chronically return. Rolling a tennis ball or foam roller does not fix the source of problems. I teach you specific skills to stop sources of your pain and problems, and improve function the way you need for real life so you can get your life back, better than before.
Athletes use these methods to directly retrain their sports and exercises to be healthier and more effective at the same time. Good biomechanics is a powerful athletic performance enhancer. I show you top training methods and innovations to go higher, faster, farther, fix injuries you have, and prevent future injury.
Elders. Becoming slower, stiffer, unsteadier, and weaker as years pass is more from lack of specific healthful movement than an inescapable aging process. We restore upper back mobility and normal kyphosis, leg strength and balance, healthy knee and hip dynamics, and disc spacing associated with functionally younger age. Skills, not pills - I show you how to make it possible to straighten out, gain balance needed to get off a cane, stop painful musculoskeletal habits so you don't need pain pills in the first place, and improve strength and mobility to have your life and independence back.
Clinicians learn these techniques to reduce preventable hospitalizations, readmissions, emergency room visits, and to improve health outcomes for patients from youth to geriatric. These are major Health Care Reform Initiatives that will be required in hospitals, care facilities, and teaching centers.
Adventures! My years in the lab were devoted to healthier ways to survive - not only injury, but extremes in heat and cold, altitude and underwater, high g-Forces, top training modalities for military and athletes, and disturbances in movement. More on me and my work is on the Adventure page.
"Dr. Bookspan, you are the MVP (Most Valuable Player) of science and movement."
- Jesse McDonald
Black Belt Hall of Fame 2011 - My Seminar Students of "Top 10 Injury Prevention Techniques"
What Patients Say
Dr. Jolie Bookspan is the "St. Jude of the Joints. If there is a way for you to get better, she'll find it.
- Dr. James Mann, Surgeon Podiatrist, Joslin Clinic Harvard School of Medicine.
Despite consultations with my orthopedist, two rehabilitation specialists, a sports personal trainer, and a physical therapist, my best advice for post-operative care of my knee has come from Dr. Jolie Bookspan.
If you want to get on with your life, she is the door.
- Green Beret Lt. Col. R. Kelly Hill, MD, Swat Team Leader, Physician
I had been in PT for 2 years before coming to Dr. Jolie Bookspan.
I can't remember one day when I felt as good as I did after the first day with her.
- Camille Simms
Here is the incredible Kaethe - see her story on the Patient Success page.
Why Learn From A Researcher?As a physiologist (person who studies how the body works and why), I develop the techniques that physicians use.
I worked years as a military and university researcher in environmental physiology, which is how the body functions in the heat and cold, at altitude and underwater, breathing many mixtures of gases, doing different forms and intensities of exercise, and all kinds of injuries.
It's important to understand why things work. If you don't understand, then you can't think for yourself and are prone to repeat the mistakes of your teachers, who were repeating what they learned from other people who were repeating what they heard, maybe not correctly, and without thinking, endlessly on.
You can quickly learn and use what I spent my life researching so that you can be happy, free of pain, and able to do all you love that is good. Scroll down for free summary articles and fix it right now. Click the CLASS page to come learn more with me, and get certified through the Academy.
I develop techniques that make top athletes go higher, faster, farther. We fix pain, even injuries you may have been told you have to live with.
For more about my work, click the Adventure Research page.
Credentials and bio are on the Bio page. Some rare photos of early work are here.
Photo of Dr. Jolie Bookspan, barefoot climbing, by Paul Plevakas
"Thanks for all that you do for these athletes."
- Joseph Estwanik, M.D., FACSM, Orthopaedic surgeon,
Chairman of Ringside Physician's Course U.S. Olympic Training Center, National Physician of the Year, USA Boxing, 1997
2012 Black Belt Hall of Fame Students in my Seminar "Spine Injury Prevention"
Get Your Life Back and Enjoy It - The Fixa U
We put the Fun in FUNction. It's the Health Care Reform School. We call it Fixa U
Volunteering at a blood drive - I'm the one in the hat
When I read medical studies that claim positive medicinal effects from humor and laughter, they are numbingly humorless. When I visit medical fitness programs and gyms where people are exercising for health, everyone looks miserable.
Having a laugh with some friends
Then you have people that have fun moving in real life. Skating, biking, gardening, tap dancing, building, exploring.
Juggling with Mike LeRoy, professional juggler, who developed neck and shoulder pain from balancing bicycles and refrigerators on his chin. I fixed his pain and we enjoyed juggling together.
Josh Billings (pen name of humorist Henry Shaw) summed it up, "There ain't much fun in medicine, but there's a heck of a lot of medicine in fun.
Click here for more about The Academy and here for the Fixa U Department of Silly Syndromes
Watch the cool video above of some tappers at the end of a 24 hour tap marathon. There is sound with this video.
If the video does not load on your device, see it on my FlickR account:
Photo above, these guys were unexpectedly soft to pet.
My Teaching Characters - Backman! and SPOT The Anomaly!
Backman! is a funny warm copyright character loved by readers for simple helpful fixes. I draw Backman! to demonstrate concepts in my books, articles, classes, and other works. My readers had a contest to name him, described on the Academy page.
Behind the scenes, Dog helped, unnamed, until the contest to name him was won by a reader who often sends in great ideas, and wanted to remain anonymous except for first initial. Congratulations Anonymous J for letting us know that dog's name is SPOT The Anomaly! I have been drawing him into class topics and quizzes where students need to assess movement, sitting, and gait, and SPOT The Anomaly! He pops up from his hiding SPOT to help when needed.
Come to class to meet him, and see if you can SPOT him on this web site in some of the articles on fixing pain. He is our new star.
Free Articles To Start Right Now To Fix Your Pain
"Dear Dr. Bookspan,
"Thank you so much for the free information you provide on your web site. I was able to apply your techniques and I feel better already. This is after buying a $2500 bed, $100 pillow, countless videos and exercise equipment, and still finding no relief."I just made a donation to your web site (I wish it could have been more, but I’m still paying off that darn bed!) I plan to buy your books and share with my family and friends.
"Most web sites only give you a small amount of information because they want you to buy their book or program. I so appreciate the fact that you are helping humanity by putting this information out, free. Seriously, when you are in pain, it is hard to enjoy life, so you are doing a great service here."
"A thousand thank yous!!!"
Regards, Leann Pearce
Fix Your Back Pain
- How To Fix Your Own Back Pain
- Bad Discs and Sciatica
- Lower Back Pain With Standing, Walking, Running
- Swayback, Hyperlordosis, SI joint pain (sacroiliac), Spondylolisthesis
- How (Exactly) Do Abs Fix Back Pain - You may be surprised. Also summarizes The Ab Revolution (tm)
- Fixing Your Back Pain When Lifting and Carrying
- Healthier Sitting For Planes, Trains, Exercise, Computers, and TV
- Français - La Révolution Abdominale Une Nouvelle Manière de Comprendre et dUtiliser les Muscles Abdominaux
- Español - Dolor de Espalda y Que Hacer?
Hamstrings No scientific relation between hamstring flexibility and lower back pain, Toe touching is not great for discs - Hamstring stretches are good for other things, but are mistakenly mixed with back pain through an interesting error.
Photo- WMS medical conference July 2010 Fix Pain class - physicians, military, and smart students
Fix Your Neck and Upper Back Pain
Upper Crossed Syndrome, Reduced Cervical Lordosis, Forward Head, Rotator Cuff, Tightness, and Shoulder Pain
- Fix Your Own Neck Pain - Neck, Shoulder, Middle and Upper Back.
"Thank you for fixing my neck pain.
I feared i'd never play violin again after the accident." - Sha
Fix Your Knee Pain
After you fix your knee pain, here is a page on some of my research to learn about what works for knee pain and why. It's not exercises, but re-training to healthier joint angles during movement while you live your life - Lower Body Revolution (tm).
Patient Success Stories that explain what they did so you can learn too.
Fix Your Foot and Metatarsal Pain
- Patient Success Stories - scroll down to foot pain stories.
Healthier Abdominal and Core Function
- How (Exactly) Do Abs Fix Back Pain - You may be surprised. Also summarizes basics of The Ab Revolution method.
- Fixing Swayback, Hyperlordosis, SI joint pain (sacroiliac), Spondylolisthesis.
- Ab Revolution Course Syllabus, Research, and Summary.
- Lifting and Carrying - Spine Use and Positioning for Healthier Function and Pain Prevention.
- Français - Une Nouvelle Manière de Comprendre et dUtiliser les Muscles Abdominaux, La Révolution Abdominale
Healthier, Saner Fitness and Training
- Stretching for Real Life - Functional Stretching, Fixing Bad Stretches, Wonderful good ones.
- No More Crunches, No More Back Pain - The Ab Revolution - What abs really do may surprise you.
- Why Fitness Isn't Working - Traditional exercises and stretches that work against you and what to do instead.
Exercises and Stretches That Hurt Your Back and Neck - Exercise is Medicine? Not all exercise is good medicine. Here are healthy built-in daily live healthy movement skills to do instead.
Hamstring Flexibility Found Not Related to Back Pain - What do hamstrings have to do with back pain? Not much. See why, and what helps instead.
- Nutrition. Healthier ideas and recipes.
- Martial Arts. Here are my class syllabus pages for Kickboxing, Advanced Kickboxing, and Karate.
- Here is my work for Healthier Yoga.
Prevent and Fix Pain From Long Sitting
- Sitting For Planes, Trains, Exercise, Computers, and TV.
- Français - Prévenir le mal de dos en cas de longue station assise.
Mental and Emotional Fitness Training
- Reader favorites of Dr. Bookspan's Emotional Fitness Training for health.
- Humor. My Fixa U Department of Silly Syndromes.
- Schedule a great THAI massage. Learn massage benefits and myths - Thai Massage.
True Stories by Patients and Students
- Patient Success Page. Includes my Reader Hall of Fame.
Exercise and Fitness Training - Real Fitness as a Lifestyle
Bookspan Basics Functional Fitness Training. Fitness Re-training drills for yourself and your groups to learn actual healthy ways to move and function. Fix yourself and lead your schools, teams, battalions, squads, more
Fitness as a Lifestyle (Functional Fitness). Not reps, or purchasing training "plans," but making your daily real life into your own mental, emotional and physical playground of strength mobility and health.
My students of the Black Belt Hall of Fame class of 2016 seminar on how to teach healthier stretching. Martial arts teachers and their own students attended.
My Credentials And Work
My Research page tells about my work in interesting places - an underwater lab, aviation cockpit, mountain top, desert, and others. My work is for you. I never thought it mattered to tell about myself other than work. Students told me it helped them to know, so I added the following two pages:
The Bio page has some of my schooling, and a photo of me at age nine winning the science fair - for your entertainment at my expense.
The Rare Photos page has some stories of my early work. Plus the "years I thought I'd never mention again" after the accident.
Translate an Article
Translate an article and I will add it here with your name credit. The world will benefit and you will sure learn the information better for yourself. Mail: Bravo!
Quien habla dos lenguas vale por dos. (He who speaks two languages has the value of two people.)
Carla Murador says, "I don't need spine surgery, thanks to Dr. Bookspan"
For the article "Back Pain and What To Do" in Spanish, click Dolor de Espina y Que Hacer, translated by Dialma Betancourt
The Fitness Fixer Column and Twitter
Dr. Jolie Bookspan is The Fitness Fixer
When exercise and medicine aren't healthy - We Fix ItFor four years I brought my column "The Fitness Fixer" to the Healthline company - almost 800 free articles. Not repeating the news, but making it. When the column ended in 2010, the company removed all photos and movies I had made for the articles. Later, they removed my articles and redirected links from my articles to their own. Most of my original articles are gone, and the few that remain are not as I wrote them. I found the BlogSpot archives that, at time of this writing, still have some of them grouped by topic with some of the graphics and original text. I put an Index of the articles and the BlogSpot links that I have found so far, here on my site - fitfix-index.html.
I continue as The Fitness Fixer on TWITTER. Quick info, announcements, healthier fitness and medicine, class announcements, reader successes, contests, World Health projects, more. Some reader Tweets below. Click No account needed, just click and visit.
Dale Newnham @dalenewnham
@TheFitnessFixer Recovered from crippling sciatica without surgery
by following your advice age 50 ran 10K in 44min, rode 100 miles no pain!
Paul Jenkins @frugal_trader
@TheFitnessFixer Can you explain the swimming warm down? Seems like they are expending needed energy.
Renee @brukaoru
Highly recommend this website,
so much great info for mind/body/spirit health -
@TheFitnessFixer Nice post. But how do you feel about sitting at 135 degree angle?
Carol Steinfeld @wateringwoman
@TheFitnessFixer Love your stuff!
Shayna Waldman @ShaynaWaldman
@TheFitnessFixer What helps with altitude sickness on airplanes?
Gerardine Henning @fineshapesofart
@TheFitnessFixer I still use your two books
that I bought a few years ago. Wonderful advice to pull me back when I forget!
Penelope Fiend @veryfiendish
@TheFitnessFixer Dr Bookspan, what are the ideal sleeping positions? What are bad? Do you address this in any of your books? Thank you!
Kent MacWilliam @geolackey
Stuck at a desk? Fix your neck pain. This worked in the length of time it took to read! … via @TheFitnessFixer
Fun Gifts For Healthy Movement
BackSavers of UNcommon Sense. T-shirts for teachers and slouchers, mugs that remind healthy neck for drinking, AFEM Academy professional clothes and items, more ingenious fun.
Books - Fix Pain, Get Healthy, Go Diving, Have Fun
Health & Fitness in Plain English, THIRD edition
How to be healthy, happy and fit for the rest of your life
Fix Your Own Pain Without Drugs or Surgery
With tutorial patient stories in every chapter.Stretching Smarter Stretching Healthier
Healthier more effective movement
The Ab Revolution Fourth Edition - No More Crunches No More Back Pain
4th Edition
Core training the way your body actually needs for health. Two parts: Part 1- Learn neutral spine to stop a major form of lower back pain. Part 2- Functional strengthening from simple moves to the toughest you can get.
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Three hard-to-find books. including the cult-classic Diving Physiology in Plain English EIGHTH edition Expanded, 2021.
I am science advisor to The Vidocq Society - a world forensic cold case society. See my Books page for my colleagues' really creepy books.
worry about people stealing your ideas.
That said, Be Healthy - Respect Copyright Information, drawings, and photos are © protected copyright. To cite this article or any parts, put author Dr. Bookspan, and link to this site at the top and bottom of your reprinting. A suggestion to get my books is also nice. No Derivative Works License means no changes to content, wording or links. More
LEGAL waivers and stuff here. |
We have found that some people liked this information so much that they copied entire sections and illustrations to their own web sites without credit or link to this site and sole author, Dr. Bookspan. You may share and distribute this info with copyright notice and full information attributing credit to Dr. Bookspan and clear link to this site If you are promoting health, ASK. Stealing is not health. Web site and all contents © Dr. Jolie Bookspan.
this information fixes your pain, send it to a friend (the article, not the
pain). "Make health contagious."
site is education only. Nothing is medical advice. See your doctor first and
use your brain.
HOME || The Ab Revolution || Academy || Adventure Medicine || Books and eBooks || Bookspan Basics || Classes || Diving Aerospace & Hyperbarics || Emotional & Mental Fitness || Fix Your Pain Articles - back, neck, knees, disc and more || Fixing Pain as a Lifestyle || Fitness as a Real Lifestyle || Hamstrings and Back Pain || HUMOR - Fixa U Dept of Silly Syndromes || Individual Online Consult || Karate || Kickboxing || Lower Body Revolution (tm) || Nutrition || Open Our Resort || Projects for World Health || Patient Success Stories || Rare Photos of Early Work || Stretching || Sitting Healthier || Gifts || Thai Massage || The Fitness Fixer || Twitter || Who Is Dr. Bookspan || World Health Projects || Yoga Without Dogma